My word for 2021


This year, instead of intentions, I’ve decided to choose a word that sums up the energy I’d like to tap into as I go forward into 2021.

I really wanted my word to be SOAR. I don’t know about you, but this caged bird can’t wait to spread her wings again. I’m feeling so much anticipation, exhilaration and the need for expansion after the contraction of last year but somehow SOAR didn’t feel totally right.

Instead my word revealed itself to me as so many perfect things seem to do, when I got out of my own way and without deliberation or wishful thinking. In fact, I realise now, it’s been trying to get my attention for weeks, popping up randomly in my mind and off the page.

It’s a word that underpins the freedom of SOAR and acknowledges the alignment and balance that facilitates flight. In fact it’s the essential releasing which makes everything else possible - the energy that supports the natural unfolding of things, of working with not against, of letting go and letting come.

For me this year, the most life giving seeds will grow from the gentle nourishing ground of EASE.

With EASE, I can align myself with the onward flow of my life, live the transitions more graciously and ride the edge of uncertainty with my eyes wide open.

May we all harness the meaning we’ve made from this extraordinary year and use it to open up a better more beautiful way to be in the world.

Do you have a word or intention for this year? I’d love to know what it is if you feel like sharing.

Wishing you all ease and much love, x Amanda


A rediscovery and a new (old) poem


Darkest Night