Proof of Life


It’s easy to get impatient this time of year up here in the north. After 6 months of short grey cold days, a change in season still feels slightly out of reach.

The days in between winter and spring can feel like an eternity thankfully interrupted by daily walks spotting nests in the still bare trees and the first tiny blooms.

After more than a year of living like a hermit, I’m feeling a similar kind of impatience and yearning for proof of the life that I long for beyond the container of a pandemic.

Some days it’s hard to balance the feelings of frustration with the comfort that comes from knowing that change will eventually come.

So how do we go about enjoying the life we’re living now with its discomforts and conflicting feelings and still hold onto the light of the life we long to live into - especially when signs of that life are thin on the ground?

I’ve come to realise, these in between times are times of deep trust friends.

Trusting that the life we long for is happening anyway, unfolding just as it is meant to regardless of our need to somehow manage and control it.

Trusting that when it finally blossoms, that life will be beyond anything our thinking minds could ever have imagined.

Just like this little daffodil is the blossoming of a bulb’s longing for expression, our longings themselves are the proof of the life our hearts already know is possible.

Wherever you are, whether you’re longing for the crisper more inward focussed days of autumn or the full flush of Spring, may you journey there with ease and wonder and in the comfort of knowing that the life your heart knows is possible, is already on the way!

With much love, Amanda x 🌺


The spaces that hold us