Holding me holding you

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Ode to my coffee cup

‘Hold me, drink’

But what's it like -

to hold everything and nothing at all?

To know as you empty, the world rushes in?

Do you know,

when I hold your heaviness in my hands,

you hold mine too?

A tsunami can live within your walls.

You are so much more than your usefulness -

my safe haven, voyage keeper, partner in crime,

my rescuer from 'not enough time’.

So you see,

you shape me as I once shaped you -

with your tiny rebellions against sameness

in spite of the wheel that turned you.

And even now, when you are empty

you become my morning offering to the world,

my reminder that 'I am ready'.

— Amanda Cooke


What to remember on waking


It’s all (waiting) for you