It’s all (waiting) for you

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I want to know the world and know I belong to it.

To stand on the shores of my ancestors

and drink in the promise of their forgotten journeys.

To ride a horse, bareback – wild, unafraid and married to the moment.

To know surrender, not just the kind coerced by despair but the kind given freely, joyful and fierce.

To recognise my own song and sing it uninvited every note a lament and a reunion.

What have I got to lose -

to say yes to what waits beyond my bravest prayers?

to live as I sleep, in service of my regeneration?

The undoing of a well made life?

The revelation of the impossibility of our aloneness?

It’s not too late -

to name the longings that long to be named

and abide my exile no more

to rest in my breath

and ride its current to unknown shores

to throw open the window to my life

and gasp in amazement.

— Amanda Cooke

*I’d like to lovingly acknowledge the poem ‘It’s not too late’ by Mary Walker, and her workshop of the same name, as inspirations for my poem. You can read Mary’s poem and more of her work on her website by clicking on the link below. With love, Amanda


Holding me holding you


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