What to remember at bedtime

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What if I told you rest was the real work?

That when you sleep, you take flight

like a night bird navigating by moonlight

through all that ever was and ever will be.

Know that to live into your infinite potential is to know flight.

Every night you give yourself over to this journey.

You are in the realm of the soul now.

Only she has the map.

Trust her to plot the course through that world

towards what calls you in this one,

to retrieve everything lost and longed for,

to make the invisible visible in your dreams.

Before sleep, remember -

all that is required is your readiness -

I am here night flyer, tell me what you know?

and a promise that on waking you will remember,

to weave what was given into this world

so that when it calls you here

it captures your attention just long enough for you to wonder if,

like distant thunder,

a change is coming.

—Amanda Cooke




What to remember on waking